In the past 2 weeks we have been learning how to describe others and what they like to do in their free time. Through this unit, I have learned how to write correct sentences in Spanish using adjectives.
I have created a project that has shown what new skills I have learned in class.
The purpose for this assignment is because this past week in spanish we have been learning how to describe people in spanish using certain adjectives and verbs. It is important to learn how to describe people in spanish because without it, you would not know what a person is like.
Yo soy honesta, inteligente y curiosa. Me gusta dormir, comer, y mirar Netflix.

For my semester project in math, we were assigned to make a linear art design. To re-create my design, click the link below.
I have not made progress on my genius hour project.
I have chosen to interview a female police officer and record her everyday life as a female cop.I have chosen to do this for my genius hour project because when I am older I would like to work in the law enforcement. After I finish this project I hope to learn how my life might be and what I have to face in my everyday life.I haven’t started anything yet but, I have planned to call the White Oak Police Department and ask to talk to about any female officers. I will also think and write down interview questions.

In our lab we observed and described how different environments like microhabitats in school yards support different varieties of organisms. Magen, Natalie, and I put our string around a small microhabitat that we wanted to observe. First, we looked all around our area. There was a small stream to the left which let water flow through our microhabitat. Then, we wrote down all of the components in our habitat and started placing small portions of what we found in a zip-lock bag. Here is the components we found: rocks, grass, larva, bean plant, leaves, plants, and dirt. After we filled our bag, we sketched our microhabitat, then took a picture.